The loving treatment

The following is an affirmation of love
Use this affirmation daily and see how your life changes

I know that listening to and speaking this affirmation of a regular basis will have a positive effect on your life as it did with mine
Remember that you are the most important being in your life and the more you look after yourself and your well being the healthier and stronger you will be
Hug yourself and appreciate yourself every day for you are a being of the universe
let your light shine.

Deep within my being there is an infinite amount of love
I now allow this love to flow to the surface

This Love fills my heart, my body, my mind, my consciousness, my very being
And this Love radiates out of me in all directions returning multiplied

The more love I feel and share the more love I am given to bask in and send out
The supply is endless and for this I am grateful

This use of love makes me feel good, it is an expression of my inner joy

I love my being,  using positive words to affirm this daily
This creates a constant flow of positive thoughts that build me up for I know that these thoughts create my reality.

I love my body and chose to take loving care of it, feeding it nourishing foods and drinks
I chose exercises and movements that benefit both my body and mind to balance both my phisical and spiritual bodies.
I lovingly groom and dress my body and my body responds to me with vibrant health and energy

I love my life therefore I provide for myself a comfortable home
One that fills my needs and is a pleasure to be in
I fill all the rooms with the vibration of love so that all who enter, including myself, will feel this love and be nourished by it

I love myself therefore I work at a job that I truly enjoy doing
A job that values all my talents and abilities, a job that satisfies my mind, body and soul.
I chose a job where I work with people that I love and that love me, that stimulates my being and brings out the best in me and that provides me with a good income

I love what I am and what I am part of, therefore I behave in a loving way towards myself, my fellow humans, and all other beings, animals and plants. I chose to look after my Mother Nature as I am part of her and she is part of me and, doing this, the love that I give returns to me multiplied
I only attract loving people in  my world as they are a mirror of what I am

I love myself and I am present living totally in the now

I see the positivity in each moment and I know that my future is bright and joyous and secure. This makes me confident that I will be able to overcome all of life’s lessons when I come to cross them

I love therefore I forgive myself, and those who have hurt me
I release the past and all past experiences and I am free
I am a child of the Universe and the Universe takes care of me, hugs me, and provides for me now and forever more

I love myself therefore my first daily thoughts are of gratitude and love, setting the vibration and intent for the day ahead

I am not my past, I am here and now, I am free, I am true to me, I chose love.

Quiet time

Quiet time is the best environment for surfacing stale energy and unblocking passages that don’t allow you to live in the present moment. Once this is realised the hard work can start, the unblocking and reworking of old feelings, old thoughts, and old perceptions can be dealt with.
An in depth look into the self brings up a lot of stuff from the past that is buried deep, that is hidden from the everyday because of emotions associated with the happening. Take the emotion out of the events that cause your walk to stumble so that you can let go of the still energy and recreate the flow that was once there.

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